The Bajoran Witch

Welcome to my website where I share my personal expiriences in chaos magic. I have found that there are a lack of sources addressing working with non-traditional dieties and also about people who work within, or want to work within, science who also have spiritual practices.

About me

My name is Enyar, my pronouns are he/it, and I am a witch who works with the Bajoran Prophets. For anyone unfamiliar, Bajorans are a species in Star trek (here is the Memory Alpha page for those who are not familiar with bajorans)I happened after I did a painting of Benjamin Sisko from DS9 and I had whatt can only be decribed as an epiphany. I felt very connected to the spirituality of Bajor. Only one was a fictional religion. Of course, my next move was to do my research and I found a few sources on working with "pop culture entities" which was a real eye opener. As it is all about energy and what we put into the world as people, it is absolutely valid to use the deities of fictional universes in ones practice. Therefore, I personally have candles set out for my patron deities of The Prophets and their Emissary as well as a slightly less traditional one for Spock as I am currently taking exams and that is an energy I think all my good friends surrently in the grip of the education system would benefit from. I don't see much content about this type of magick, nor do I see much about people who's interests and carers/planned careers are within science (astrophysics personally.)